The school has been at the Ridgeway Road site since 1939.
Isleworth & Syon School has a long and distinguished history, dating back to 1630, and over time it has been through several different designations. In 2012, the school converted to an Academy, retaining its long-established status as being independent of local authority control.

The Trustees (who are also known as Governors or Directors) of the school have legal responsibilities as set out in the Funding Agreement and in our Memorandum & Articles of Association. Members of the Board of Trustees are comprised of Foundation Trustees (nominated by The British & Foreign School Society [BFSS], Brunel University and The Senate of the University of London); elected Parent/Carer Trustees; Community Trustees; Staff Trustees and Co-Opted Trustees.

The Board of Trustees meets formally throughout the school year, and committees also meet on a termly basis. The duties are varied and include setting an annual budget, ensuring that statutory policies are in place, and providing support and challenge for the school’s Senior Leadership Team.

All trustees can be contacted via the school.

Academy Trust Information

Academy trust name: Isleworth & Syon School for Boys
Company information: The Academy Trust is a Company incorporated in England and Wales, limited by guarantee with registered Company number 07962216.
Registered address: Isleworth & Syon School
Ridgeway Road
Chair of Academy Trust: Mr Derek Millard-Healy
Telephone: 020 8568 5791
The Trustees of Isleworth & Syon are responsible for the overall decisions made with regards to the school.

The Members of the Academy trust are the guardians of the governance of the trust. They are essential to the integrity of an Academy trust, although it is the Trustees, not the Members, who are the organisation’s key decision makers. While Members have no day-to-day or week-to-week role, they have a key responsibility on the appointment/removal of Trustees.

We endeavour to ensure that our Trustees and Members represent the school community and encourage involvement from people to meet this ambition.

Currently, those serving as Trustees or Members have declared the following ethnicities:

Ethnicity Count
Bangladeshi 1
Black – Caribbean 1
White English 5
White – Irish 2
White – Scottish 1
White – Western European 1
Prefer not to say 2
Academy Trusts are independent charitable companies and are required to produce an annual report and financial statement at the end of every academic year, this being the same as our financial year. These accounts are audited by independent auditors and once approved, are submitted to the Education and Skills Finding Agency (ESFA) usually by the December following the latest academic year. They are also filed with Companies House.

Our latest accounts, along with the accounts for the previous two financial years, will always be available on the school website. This webpage will normally be updated by the January following the latest financial year.