At Isleworth & Syon, children with learning difficulties are given extra support by staff who are experienced in helping students with special educational needs.
Members of the Learning Support Team work with subject teachers to develop a range of teaching strategies and resources for use in the classroom. They also support individual students in and out of the classroom. Members of the Learning Support Team work with subject teachers to develop a range of teaching strategies and resources for use in the classroom. They also support individual students in and out of the classroom. You might find it useful to read our SEND Information Report on this section of the website.
This support team also provides assistance for those bilingual learners whose first language is not English. Support is provided both in the classroom and, when necessary, through withdrawal from normal timetabled lessons.
We aim to meet our obligations under the Equality Act 2010 and to advance equality of opportunity for those who share a protected characteristic. Please read our Equality Information and Objectives Policy for further information.
Apart from three general teaching rooms, our school is fully accessible for disabled students, which means that all specialist teaching areas are available for all students. We have recently installed a new lift which means that the second floor in the oldest part of the school can be accessed by disabled users or indeed students or staff with a temporary restriction. Our Accessibility Plan will also provide details of how we continue to endeavour to further improve the school for all users and potential users.
For admission arrangements, please read our SEND Policy. If you consider that you would be better speaking to someone, or you wish to visit the school, please contact us and we will make an arrangement for a conversation or a visit. You will be made most welcome.