The school maintains a number of important policies to ensure the best outcomes for each and every one of its students. Browse them below by clicking an image (links open in a new window).

Where a reference is made to the ‘Headteacher’ in any school policy, this should be considered as ‘Co-Headteachers’.

Accessibility Plan Admissions Appearance & Uniform
Icon - document with a cross and a tick to represent attendance A briefcase and computer
Attendance & Punctuality – Students Behaviour Careers
Charging & Remissions CCTV Child Protection & Safeguarding
Complaints Curriculum & Assessment Data Protection
Educational Visits Equality Information & Objectives Examinations
The letter 'i'
Exclusions & Fixed Term Suspensions Freedom of Information – Policy Freedom of Information – Publication Scheme
Health & Safety Mobile Phones Privacy Notice: Parents/Carers
Privacy Notice: Students Protection of Biometric Information of Children Provider Access
PSED 2023-24 PSED Compliance 2023-24 Relationships & Sex Education
Severe Weather Sixth Form – Bursary Special Educational Needs & Disability
Visitors to School Whistleblowing

All icons except RSE by Icons8. RSE icon by Adrien Coquet from the Noun Project.