We operate a five-period school day for our students. Students are expected to be on site by 8.25am each day, in time for registration which starts at 8.30am. The school day officially ends at 3.05pm for the majority of students, meaning that they are on-site for 32 hours and 55 minutes in a typical school week.

Period 6 is flexibly used to assist with timetabling an efficient curriculum for our students. In most cases, it is only used for senior students studying at Key Stage 4 and in the Sixth Form.

The school is open to students before school from 8.00am. Breakfast can be enjoyed in the dining rooms before the start of the school day and the library is also open at this time.

Due to the extensive range of extra-curricular activities, many students will be on site until 5.00pm. In addition, as we are a school in the heart of our community, the site will be used extensively each evening for a range of activities and events.

  Start Finish
Expected on School Site 8.25am  
Registration 8.30am 8.40am
Period 1 8.40am 9.40am
Period 2 9.40am 10.40am
Break 10.40am 11.00am
Period 3 11.00am 12.00pm
Period 4 12.00pm 1.00pm
Lunch 1.00pm 1.45pm
Period 5 1.45pm 2.45pm
Study Support/Assembly 2.45pm 3.05pm
Period 6 (flexible use for senior students) 3.05pm 4.05pm