The full version of this article appears in the Year in Review, a 55-page magazine celebrating the opportunities we offer our students. Read it here.
Now that the new term has begun, we thought it appropriate to celebrate some of the fantastic successes from last year in terms of academic subject areas at GCSE level.
Once again, the school’s focus on employing specialist subject teachers reaped the rewards this year, with a series of excellent results. Take English for example – 35% of GCSE English language students earned grades in the 9-6 band, compared with just 21% of boys nationally, while in literature the 9-6 score was even higher (over 40% compared to just 29% nationally). Our maths results were similarly impressive, as over three-quarters of our students earned grades 9-4 compared with 60% of boys nationally.
It was another year of outstanding grades for our science department, with each of the single sciences besting boys’ scores by a considerable margin. In biology, two-thirds of students earned an A*-A equivalent (40% national boys), while in chemistry it was 71% (43% nationally). Physics was the highest, with an enormous 86% of students achieving the top grades, nearly double the boys’ national figure of 46%.
Across other subjects, there were similar stories. Our modern foreign languages department were thrilled with French scores, coming in at 64% 9-6; for national boys, this figure stood at a very low 29%. Over in drama, 40% of students achieved a 9-7 grade, with 12 students earning either 100% or one mark away from full marks. The national boys’ 9-7 figure for drama is just 15%. On the musical side, Thomas Skinner earned full marks in his piano practical, too!
With our biggest-ever Year 12 cohort this September, we look forward to celebrating their continued success on A level and vocational courses.