We were thrilled to receive notice that Deputy Head Girl Cara Doyle (Year 13) has accepted an offer of a scholarship from the Guildhall School of Music and Drama. Guildhall is one of the most prestigious music schools not just in the UK, but in the world. To put this achievement into perspective, the school rarely offers scholarships of this nature, and only does so to those whom they deem to be an exceptional talent.
There is no doubt that Cara is, indeed, exceptional, as anyone who has seen her perform will attest. One of the highlights of this year’s Carol Concert was Cara’s flawless clarinet duet with head of music Miss Phillips, and she has proven herself to be a top performer through both the school’s Summer Arts & Technology Evening and last year’s school production of ‘It’s A Wonderful Life!’ Cara is also a member of the London Schools’ Symphonic Orchestra, performing at the Barbican Theatre just last year.
The interview process for Guildhall was intense, with students having to play two pieces to a panel of professional musicians. The small number of candidates who made it through this stage were then required to perform in front of each other – a daunting prospect – and have an interview with the head of department. Cara gave a fine account of herself and was offered a place! She also fielded offers from several other highly prestigious schools, but eventually went with her gut instinct and chose Guildhall. Our warmest of congratulations to Cara for this stunning achievement!
Tags: 2016-17, Cara Doyle, Guildhall, Music