From the Co-Headteachers
Throughout the week, our outstanding Year assemblies have been promoting and reinforcing fundamental British values. Our focus has been on showing mutual respect and tolerance with different faiths and beliefs. Furthermore, we have been celebrating diversity by showcasing Pride and highlighting how prejudice and discrimination are not tolerated within school, our community and, indeed, our country. While we all hold deep-rooted biases, it is important that we encourage students to eliminate the stigma around talking around them. Just like being “ready for learning”, such messages support us in preparing pupils for their adult lives in modern Britain.
A reminder to parents/carers that our school policy is that mobile phones are not seen, used or heard while on the school site. This means that mobile phones brought into school must be switched off and stored securely (usually in school bags) during the day.

Finally, we are looking forward to the annual cricket fixture between the School 1st XI and the MCC. It takes place next Wednesday (14 June) at the Old Isleworthians ground on Wood Lane (near the railway crossing). The game starts at 11.30am. This is a very prestigious fixture as very few state schools gain access to such high-quality games. It is an indication of our past and current cricketing traditions; please do come along and support the boys if you can.
Thank you to all parents/carers who have given us comments about this publication so far this year. It is really helpful! If you have any thoughts about how we can make this even better, leave them here. Please note that comments are anonymous and may be used in our marketing.
Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom
Internal Examinations
Students in Years 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 will take internal examinations between Tuesday 20 June and Friday 7 July. Full details were emailed to families before half-term – they are all available in one place on the ‘Examinations‘ page. Please make sure that students are prepared for these important assessment, which will provide a great sense of student progress this year.

Club of the Week – Cycling
Days: Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3.15 – 4.05pm
Staff: DKE
Location: School playground
A brand new and exciting opportunity for selected students to develop their cycling skills before the summer break.
The school was very lucky to win a grant to purchase a number of bikes to help our students. Like swimming, cycling is an essential life skill that not only contributes to a healthy lifestyle but also to good mental health.
Places are by invitation only, but anyone interested should speak to Mr Keane in case places become available.
Clubs Posters
There are so many different clubs available. We have just designed some shiny posters to showcase all the activities for each year group (7-10). You can view them on the ‘Extra-Curricular Activities’ page!

Primary Liaison
We are delighted to be developing strong relationships with many of our feeder primary schools who, over the next few weeks, will be on school site to sample a range of hands-on scientific, technology and drama activities. As ever, our expert staff will be supported by our wonderful student leaders.

School Equipment
It is vitally important that all students possess a scientific calculator. This calculator should be carried within an appropriately-sized school bag on a daily basis because, in the lead-up to examinations, it will be needed for a range of subject examinations which develop numeracy, not just mathematics. Calculators can be purchased from the School Shop.
House Point Champions
Congratulations to the latest set of Diamond and Prestige award-winners. They have been rewarded for reaching 200 and 300 house points respectively. These students continue to be fantastic role models for their peers – well done to all of them.
Note: this list is accurate as of 7.00am today (Friday). If your child reached a threshold after 7.00am on Friday, they will appear in the next list.
Prestige (300 points)
David ALI (9Sn)
Jacob BAILEY (7Am)
Tyler BARRETT (8Ad)
Harvey CHAPMAN (7Tr)
Horatiu COJOCARU (8Sh)
Isaac HANNA (10Tu)
Ishat KAKAR (8Bl)
Adam KHALIFA (8Br)
Ashish KURIAN (9Sn)
Jayden KWOK (9Ad)
Thomas LANE (9Bl)
Alex LARBY (8Tu)
Lachie MACINTYRE (7Ad)
Ryan MAK (8Sn)
Noah MERRY (7Sh)
Ahmad MIRZAI (7Ad)
Godwin OMONDI (7Am)
Gishaan RAHLLEN (9Am)
Lloyd SECCOMBE (8Sh)
Randeep SINGH (9Tu)
Fin WOOD (7Sh)
Kairan Dominic ZINGAPAN (10Tu)
Diamond (200 points)
Taha AHMED (7Bl)
Aayan AHMED (11Am)
Aariz ALI (10Br)
Gabriel ALVAREZ (7Bl)
Abdul-Aleem ANIMASAUN (8Br)
Mustafa AWAN (7Ad)
Mirza BAIG (7Br)
Uzair BEG (10Sh)
Ethan BEVANS (8Tr)
Isaac BHURTOO (7Tr)
Siddardha BOLEM (9Sn)
Ed BRACE (10Tr)
Nishant BRAHMBHATT (11Tr)
Callum CAMERON (7Br)
Hemat DAWRAN (10Br)
Ramson FERNANDES (8Sh)
Lewis FRAS (8Sh)
Tristan GAME (8Br)
Nils GOLUBEVS (10Bl)
Dawid GRODZKI (8Tr)
Syed Ali Abbas HASSAN (10Tr)
Josiah HOWE (9Am)
Ridhwaan IBRAHIM (7Tr)
Areeb IMRAN (9Ad)
Ayyan KHAN (9Am)
Dominik KORODI (7Sn)
Igor LECKI (8Sh)
Rashid MBOWA (8Am)
Damien MILES (9Tr)
Mahin PATEL (8Tu)
Jordan PEREIRA (9Bl)
Izaan RABBANI (8Ad)
Marzuq RAHMAN (7Bl)
Cedrick RARANG (11Sn)
Joyran RODRIGUES (8Br)
Arjun RUPRAH (10Sn)
Aayan SHAFIQ (10Sn)
Mark SHNUROV (11Tu)
Gideon SHOBOWALE (10Am)
Sota TANAKA (8Br)
Free Porridge
Did you know that students can get a free bowl of porridge every morning in CucinA?
There is evidence to show that students who eat a complete breakfast show improved:
- Concentration
- Alertness
- Comprehension
- Memory
- Learning
Source: Food Research and Action Center (FRAC)

While we are fully aware of local traffic and transport problems before 8.30am, we continue to relentlessly drive students to be punctual to school in the morning. There is an array of evidence showing how strong personal routines linked to punctuality have both a positive effect on student achievement, and also on their future employability skills and prospects.
If your son/ward is regularly late to school, please challenge them to break their habit. In most cases, this habit will involve going to bed earlier and, in some cases, turning off their mobile phone at night. To support your son/ward, please review this self-help checklist.
Coming Up!
- Wednesday 14 June – School vs MCC cricket match
- Wednesday 21 and Thursday 22 June – Year 9 Immunisations for those with consent (DTP and Men ACWY)
- Friday 30 June – Track & Field Championships
- Tuesday 4 July – Transition Day (Year 6 students) and Transition Evening (Year 6 parents/carers)
- Thursday 6 July – Summer Arts Festival
- Monday 10 – Friday 21 July – Work Experience for Year 10 students
- Monday 10 – Friday 14 July – Wider Learning Week for Years 7, 8, 9 and 12
- Wednesday 19 July – End of Summer Term (students depart 12.30pm)
- Thursday 17 August – Level 3 Results Day
- Thursday 24 August – Level 2 Results Day

We are looking forward to next week’s I&S Inspires talk with Dr Nick Bourne.
All students are welcome on Wednesday 14 June from 3.20 – 4.00pm in the main hall. Dr Bourne’s background means that this talk will be of special interest to students thinking about, or interested in, the following pathways:
- Biology
- Biological sciences
- Medicine
- Sports coaching
- Sports therapy
- Studying abroad
There is no need to sign up – students can just turn up. We hope to see your son/ward there!
Summer Arts Festival
This exciting school event is just four weeks away. Please put the data in your diary – Thursday 6 July! More information on how to get your tickets will be sent next week, as well as the full schedule for the festival!
In our coordinated and evidence-informed approach to safeguarding, we spend a lot of time trying to build up personal pride (self-esteem).
Personal pride is crucial to personal development. This approach leads to improved student wellbeing, which, in turn, can improve learning. In the interests of effective partnership working, please monitor the personal hygiene of your son/ward. As we move into the warmer months, we sometimes have to challenge students on their hygiene. Please use this checklist to support your own conversations.
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org. If there is an emergency call 999 or, for non-urgent matters that require police attention, call 101.
Word of the Week
The word of the week is arbitrary.

Harvey Dobel – Old Vic Trailer
Last month, we wrote about Year 10 Harvey Dobel taking part in a special theatre project with The Old Vic.
A trailer has now been released for the project. Harvey’s monologue is the first one featured, performed by ‘Fleabag’ actor Jenny Rainsford.
Harvey’s name also appears on the theatre’s website, in the ‘Creative Team’ section! We cannot wait to watch the full thing on 21 June!

Wider Learning Week & Work Experience
Our Wider Learning Week (WLW) runs for students in Years 7-9 and 12 from Monday 10 – Friday 14 July. Preparations are well underway for the forthcoming trips and drop-down days when we focus on extensive enrichment. Students are already becoming very excited! This is what makes I&S unique – our outstanding opportunities.
Meanwhile, from Monday 10 – Friday 21 July, Year 10 students will take place in Work Experience (WEX) placements. WEX has been proven to be a valuable motivational tool in helping to raise academic standards and support our students in making the best choices for their futures.

Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award
As a precursor to Wider Learning Week, our Year 9 outdoor adventurists are undertaking their first, practice Duke of Edinburgh’s Bronze Award expedition this week in Guildford. Their final, assessed trip will take place during WLW. Check out the tweets from the campsite for more information!