From the Co-Headteachers
We would like to extend a very warm welcome to readers of this newsletter on behalf of all the staff, students and trustees from Isleworth & Syon.
As Co-Heads, having just completed our first Open Evening, we are very proud of being leaders of a boys’ school. We enjoy teaching boys because it is our fervent belief that the world needs kind fathers, caring husbands and partners as well as brilliant, grown-up young men who have had the best start in life.
Academic achievement is very important but, as employers always impress on us, soft skills and competencies are as important. We are delighted to be driving high standards, strong traditions and history as well as outstanding opportunities which strongly promote such values and skills. We are the best for boys.

Speaking of soft skills and active citizenship, it was a delight to see and speak to so many young men alongside their families – from ordinary backgrounds, like us – turn out to both mourn the death and celebrate the life of an extraordinary world leader, Queen Elizabeth II, on Sunday morning on the A4 arterial road. It was a great example of humanity and local community in action, a coming together. Thank you.
This newsletter contains important information about our other traditions and values as well as our direction of travel. Please endeavour to read the full newsletter.
Simon Fisher and Jo Higginbottom
Progress & Partnership Day
Progress & Partnership Day, scheduled for Friday 14 October, will be an important day for students to get a sense of their current progress through a ten-minute meeting with a member of staff.
Normal lessons will be suspended, and remote learning tasks will be set. All students should attend the meetings with their parents/carers.
Work is underway behind the scenes to allocate appointments for all students in Years 7-11. Parents/carers will receive an email with their timeslot next Friday (30 September); students will be given get an appointment card that same day.
Extra-Curricular Programme
Our unique range of outstanding opportunities is part of life at Isleworth & Syon. All students are actively encouraged to take part in extra-curricular activities each week.
This week, we’ve published the full programme for the Autumn Term. Organised by day, it showcases a range of interesting activities, including guitar and ukulele club, maths club, MFL cinema club, and book club.
If students want to know more, they should speak to the member of staff listed.
Click the image above to view the full programme.
Finis Coronat Opus
In last week’s newsletter, we asked if you knew the definition of our school motto, Finis Coronat Opus. This Latin phrase has been associated with the school for as long as any of us can remember!
There are multiple different definitions out there, but our preferred one – the most literal translation – is:
“The end crowns the work”
This is the message that we have impressed on students at the start of term – that working hard, and thinking hard, will result in exceptional educational outcomes. We are proud of the progress that our students make – but we know that this is only possible if they work hard every single day.
Coming Up!
- Wednesday 28 September – KS4-Ready Evening (Year 10)
- Thursday 6 October – KS3-Ready Evening (Year 7)
- Friday 14 October – Progress & Partnership Day (PPD)
- Monday 24 – Friday 28 October – Half-Term
Daily, we actively find opportunities to celebrate student achievement and promote positive conduct. This said, we realise that sanctions are sometimes necessary to strengthen the students’ independent leadership skills.
To that end, our detentions are starting up again on 26 September. They will run for one hour (3.05 – 4.05pm) on Tuesday to Thursday, with SLT detentions at the same time on Friday afternoons.
Word of the Week

The word of the week is community.
Safeguarding Updates
The recent death of Queen Elizabeth II has triggered a number of communications from parents/carers to school about a recent bereavement in their own families. We recognise that students can be affected by such personal trauma and we encourage parents/carers to let us know so that we can provide appropriate support in school.
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your or another child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org. In an emergency call 999 or, for non-urgent matters that require police attention, call 101.

Ofsted – Still A ‘Good’ School
For our third Ofsted inspection in a row, Isleworth & Syon School has been recognised as a ‘good’ school. We are profoundly proud that all the positive and hard work by staff and students over the difficult last few years have been recognised. It is clear that Isleworth & Syon remains the best choice for boys in the local area.
Read more in our article.

James Skinner – National Gymnastics Bronze
Last week, James Skinner (Year 12) represented Great Britain’s Junior Mixed Gymnastics team in the TeamGym European Championships in Luxembourg. James took part in the floor events, as well as tumbling and vaulting. His team earned a bronze medal, just behind Denmark and Sweden. Well done, James!

Open Evening
This week, we hosted our Open Evening and the first of our five Open Mornings – inviting prospective future Isleworthians (Years 5 and 6) to see why we are the best for boys.
Student ambassadors took visitors on tours of the school, and they were excellent spokespeople for Isleworth & Syon. Visitors had the opportunity to chat with staff and see departments in action – frankly, it was impossible not to be impressed by the school.
Indeed, the feedback below gives a snapshot of the positive comments:
“Amazing school, everything is top-notch. Best school in local area. Amazing staff.”
“The school is impressive and staff are outstanding.”
“Wonderfully informative. Polite young men, who are a credit to your school.”

Student Leadership
From today, students can apply for leadership positions as Student Ambassadors. For each form group in Years 7-11, we will appoint:
- House & Citizenship Ambassador
- Sport & Extra-Curricular Ambassador
- Reading & Literacy Ambassador
- Digital & Literacy Ambassador
The Sixth Form will also recruit Senior House Ambassadors to work with the Head Student team.
Ambassadors will receive specific training and carry out responsibilities. This will support them in developing skills and qualities to help them be successful now and in the future, plus, give them the chance to contribute positively to the school and wider communities.
Applications are submitted through Teams – the deadline is Thursday 29 September.

DofE Gold – Assessed Expedition
Ten Year 13s have set off this morning for their assessed expedition on the Duke of Edinburgh’s Gold Award. They will spend five nights in the Brecon Beacons, practising their campcraft and working together to navigate the hills and the Welsh weather. They’ve packed their waterproofs!
Follow the DofE Twitter account for regular updates!

Work Experience – Max Campling
Another work experience success story from July was Max Campling. Max had to adjust to a last-minute change of placement due to circumstances beyond his control – but Mrs Spink and Max’s mum pulled out all the stops to get him in at Hounslow Urban Farm.
Here is what Max had to say about his experience:
“My work experience gave me the opportunity to experience what it takes to run an independent farm like this. I very much enjoyed looking after the animals and got to do this with a wide variety of them. I enjoyed working with other people as a large team.”
Well done to Max for showcasing great resilience in a difficult situation!