From the Headteacher
As we head into July our students are continuing with their internally-set examinations. These experiences, especially the exams taking place in the Sports Hall, are vital in ensuring that students are well prepared for external exams in the future. Whilst the students are doing well, I am sure that they are looking forward to their final tests and then some of the enrichment activities that will be taking place in the last two weeks of term.
We are also preparing for our new intake in September and we have now met most of the boys joining Year 7 next term. In addition, my colleagues have visited many of their teachers in their primary schools. We look forward to welcoming our new boys for a transition day next Tuesday and meeting parents/carers the same evening.
Finally, in terms of making contact with the school please use the school@isleworthsyon.org email. Messages sent to PARS@isleworthsyon.org are not currently being monitored.
I wish all members of the school community well and hope that you enjoy the weekend.
Euan Ferguson
Free School Meals
If your child receives free school meals then they are eligible for a voucher for the Holiday Activity and Food (HAF) programme which will be running over the summer. Last week we asked you to make contact with us to access a voucher, however, to be more efficient we have issued each eligible family a voucher which will be delivered by email on Saturday 2 July. You can read about the Holiday Activities and Food Programme and see some answers to Frequently Asked Questions.
In addition, we can confirm that free school meal vouchers for the summer will be issued at the end of term.
It is important that students take pride in their learning – every single lesson, every single day. Here are eight ways to do this; ask their child how they’re getting on with these steps.
- Use a black or blue pen for writing.
- Use a sharp pencil for sketches, drawings, diagrams and graphs.
- Use a ruler for underlining and drawing straight lines.
- All work should have a title (underlined) and a date.
- Cross out mistakes with a single neat line.
- Keep all work free of doodles and scribbles.
- Secure all loose sheets in the correct place in your book.
- Use all the space in your book to avoid wasting paper.

Safeguarding Updates
There is an increasing concern about how school children are using the popular musical and singing sharing app, Tik Tok. In some cases video streams are, or can be, a safeguarding worry.
In the UK children have to be aged 13 to use the app (this is Year 8) and it is also really important that parents/carers understand how the app works and what controls can be put in place.
There is some useful guidance for parents/carers on the links below.
- Parents’ Ultimate Guide to TikTok (Commonsense Media)
- TikTok app safety – What parents need to know (Internet Matters)
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your or another child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org.
Just a reminder that we are seeking a new Administrator and a new non-residential Caretaker to join our support staff. Further details can be found on the ‘Vacancies’ page.
We will be advertising for a part-time librarian next week.
Word of the Week

The word of the week for next week is “compensate“.
Complaints Policy
Many of our policies get reviewed during the school year. We have recently updated our Complaints Policy. Various important school policies can be found on this website in the ‘Policies’ section.

Year 10 Borough Football Champions!
Well done to the Year 10 football team who are now Borough and Middlesex champions. The much-delayed final on 29 June was another opportunity for this talented group to show the benefits of team spirit and composure, alongside a considerable level of skill. Congratulations to Cranford Community College for making the final and providing a stern test. Goals from Ben Ingram, a brace from George Bristow and a hat-trick from Orion Timperley secured the 6-2 victory.

Volleyball – London Youth Games
This year, we have launched a volleyball club – ably led by Mr Nowicki and team captain Tariq Sadouki. After only four weeks of training, the boys put themselves forward to represent Hounslow at the London Youth Games. The competition took place in London last weekend, and the boys finished a very creditable fourth place! This was out of 32 teams, making it a great achievement and a clear springboard to future success. We were the highest placed team from West London and achieved the highest ever finish for Hounslow in boys’ volleyball.

Old Vic Schools Club
For the last four years, we have been a part of the Old Vic Schools Club. This club is a small grouping of schools from across the country, run by the Old Vic theatre, one of the most prestigious performing arts venues in the country. This year, students have taken part in four in-school workshops run by theatre staff, as well as seeing four plays free of charge. We are delighted that we have been accepted into the club for the next academic year.

Ivybridge Food Pantry
Four Student Ambassadors represented the school earlier this week, at the opening of a new food pantry in the Bridgelink Community Centre. The four Year 9 students – Mihnea Cojocaru, Ashan Khehra, Matei Nistor and George Seget – were chosen due to their outstanding contribution to the school this year, particularly with their help during our in-school charity drives. Well done, boys!

Centennial Memorial Service
Some of our Student Ambassadors represented Isleworth & Syon at a community event to celebrate 100 years since the Isleworth memorial on South Street was built. Students wore a sash to remember one of the 390 people from the local area who died in WWI, and it was a poignant remembrance service. Max Manson played ‘The Last Post’ at both this event and a separate commemoration at Mogden sewage treatment works, so special credit to him.

Poetry Slam
On Thursday, we entered a Poetry Slam competition at St Mark’s School. This event brought together a number of local schools and was led by the poet Adam Kammerling. Students worked in groups to produce a poem – a great way for students to develop their creative writing skills and understand how to write poetry. Our team of Year 7s finished second overall, showing great creativity and skill! Well done to Sam Gilmour, Sam Goldsmith, Rian McKeever, Arman Sadat and Corey Smith