From the Headteacher
Welcome to our weekly newsletter.
The external examinations continue and it is pleasing to see that our senior students continue to work hard. Students are now on study leave and should only attend school for examinations or pre-planned revision sessions. However, if additional assistance is required then please do make contact with a subject teacher. For those in Year 11, please consider how you can donate uniform, kit and resources once your exams are finished.
Next Friday, our Year 7-10 students participate in Sports Day at the Osterley Track, which is always one of the year’s highlights. Please take a few minutes to read the full information letter, and note the earlier-than-usual finish time for school on the day.
Do have a good weekend and week ahead.
Euan Ferguson

We are planning to expand the school shop to include “New to You” items for our families. This is to improve our efforts to be more environmentally friendly as well as provide uniform and kit at a reduced cost.
With the end of examinations looming, we are asking all Year 11 students to be prepared to donate school uniform and PE/Games Kit that is in good condition and that can be reused. In addition, we will be collecting any revision books that can be passed on to other students.
Further details of collection points will follow just ahead of the final GCSE examination.

Safeguarding Updates
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your or another child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org.
Festival Safety
Soon, after the exam season, many older teenagers will be packing their pop-up tents and wellies for a high-old time at their first festival. For most, their weekend will be exciting and eventful. For others, it may be memorable for the wrong reasons.
The Festival Safe website aims to help first-time festival-goers (and hardened veterans) have a safe experience.
We urge parents/carers and students to take note of the advice.
The press reported last week on a craze for young people smoking brightly coloured, sweet-flavoured e-cigarettes and TikTok posts of them smoking them. The disposable vapes can contain as much nicotine as up to 50 cigarettes.
Please also note that all forms of smoking, including vaping, are banned on the school premises.
Word of the Week
The word of the week for next week is “circumstance“.

Today, we have published the Book of Remembrance for our dearly departed former colleague, Ray O’Neill.
Ray died peacefully on Saturday 10 April 2021. This book is made up of messages received from students and staff, past and present, along with thoughts from those who had known or worked with Ray. It is a fitting tribute to a much-loved and highly respected colleague and friend.
Please do take some time to read through the wonderful messages in the Book of Remembrance.

I&S Bike Maintenance Club – Edison Millward
This year, the design & technology team have run a Bike Maintenance Club for the first time. Edison Millward (8Bl) is the first student to successfully pass through.
Edison brought his bike into school; at that point, it was not rideable. He skilfully managed to repair punctures, tighten the bottom crank, fit a new chain, and even managed to straighten a very buckled wheel.
He has also fixed punctures for Mr Fisher and it has been amazing seeing his bike maintenance skills improve so much. Well done, Edison!

Plant Histology
Year 12 biology A level students have been studying plant histology. Histology is the study of the minute structure of plant or animal cells. Stains can be used to show the differences in the cell structures and when photographed under the microscope, the results can be very artistic too. In this shot, Toluidine Blue O, a metachromatic stain, has been used to good effect.

Active in Mind Programme
The Active in Mind programme for selected students in Years 7 and 9 finished last week.
This innovative programme, in partnership with the Youth Sports Trust, saw Year 9 students mentoring Year 7 students. They had weekly check-ins, discussing strategies for managing mental health and taking part in team-building games. At the start and end of the project, they were privileged to be joined by Olympic volleyball player Rachel Laybourne. Well done boys for great effort during the six weeks!

Junior Maths Challenge
This year, over 100 students in Years 7 and 8 sat the Junior Maths Challenge (JMC). The overall results were very encouraging – 22 students earned Bronze, seven achieved Silver, and four achieved Gold.
The best in each year group this year were Mahin Patel (Year 7) and Ayan Memon (Year 8, also best in school). The two highest scorers, Ayan and Ayman Shah (also Year 8), have now qualified for the next round, the Junior Kangaroo. Well done to the boys for their participation, and to the staff for their work preparing the boys for the challenge.