From the Headteacher
I would like to draw your attention to the news item below about Ashan Khehra (Year 9) and his aim to be elected as a member of the UK Youth Parliament. Elections take place every two years and those elected are charged with representing the views of young people in their community when they meet with MPs and local councillors, or when they take part or run local events.
At a time when standards in public life are rightly under scrutiny, never has it been more important for our young people to set their own ambitions for the future. Watch out for Ashan’s ideas and thoughts as he seeks support and please do encourage your son/daughter/ward to vote for him in the forthcoming school elections.
Safer Internet Day 2022 is coming up on 8 February. Here is some useful guidance for parents/carers on the safe use of social media from the NSPCC.
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your or another child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org.
COVID-19 Updates

Face Coverings
Due the current high rate of viral transmission locally, we will continue wearing face coverings for the time-being. We fully recognise that many students and staff would prefer for this to be optional and we will revert to this at the earliest opportunity.
Our aim is to always ensure that we provide an excellent quality of education whilst keeping all members of the school community safe. We are one of the few schools that have not had to send whole year groups of students to self-isolate during the last two years of the pandemic.
Further supplies of lateral flow devices for weekly testing will be issued to those students who have consented, next week.

We will be sending out a communication on 24 January about the next opportunity for your son/daughter/ward to get their first or second vaccination in school.
- You can read about the vaccination programme for young people here.
- For a first or second vaccination, or a booster, you can book online here.
- Further local information about the vaccination programme can be found here.
Useful COVID-19 information can be accessed on our website.

Summer Examinations – Years 11 & 13
We fully expect that the summer examinations will go ahead as planned for Year 11 and 13 students. Individual timetables will be issued in due course, but all students need to be aware that they must be available to sit an examination right up to Wednesday 29 June. The 29 June is a contingency day and will be used if any examination has to be rescheduled. Year 11 and 13 students can therefore plan their break or book holidays from Thursday 30 June 2022.

Mayor of London Youth Survey
The Mayor of London is consulting on his draft Police and Crime Plan and the views of young people aged 11 to 16 are being sought. We have asked students in Years 7-11 to voluntarily complete the survey, which they can do at home here.
Tuesday Club
At the end of the Autumn Term, we took part in a brilliant community project. It involved the Tuesday Club, a local social club for the young at heart (55 and over). Students in Years 8-10 wrote letters during their English lessons and did a fantastic job! More to follow on the website next week.
- Face covering photo by Anna Shvets on Pexels.com
- Vaccinations photo by Polina Tankilevitch on Pexels.com