Work continued on a number of environmental projects over the summer holiday. Our commitment to being ‘outstanding in every respect’ extends to the continual improvement of the school’s facilities and estate.
New Teaching Block
The £7 million major development to build 20 brand new classrooms is still on track for completion early in the New Year. Work is now taking place on window installation and internal fixings will soon be getting underway.

Art & Design Technology Block Refurbishment
We won a £530,000 grant to upgrade our Art & Design Technology Block and the project will be phased over the school year. The roof was replaced over the summer and the next phase, curtain walling and window replacement, will take place in the New Year. Finally, we will undertake some internal refreshments towards the end of the academic year.

Quadrangle Project & Lift Installation
We were delighted to be able to install a new lift this summer, to service the main school building. This will mean the school will be accessible to disabled members of the school community and for those suffering from temporary injuries too.
In addition the main quadrangle has been given a make-over and now accommodates six brand new table-tennis tables and new bench seating, all surrounded by astroturf. The area is open to Year 7 & 8 students at lunchtimes and is already a popular venue for many boys.

Retractable Seating
Following the bequest of some funds from a former student of the school, we were delighted to be able to install some theatre-style seating in the school hall. The retractable seating can accommodate nearly 200 people and has already been put into use in assemblies, on Awards Evening and on Open Evening.

Corridor Lighting
We are nearing completion on the project to complete the conversion of the corridor lights to LEDs, a measure to save energy, whilst at the same time upgrading our emergency lighting. The last corridor will be completed this term.
CCTV Replacement
We are installing an upgraded CCTV system at school in order to enhance our on-site security. The new system is high-definition and web-based and will enhance our ability to properly ensure the safety of the school community and of the facilities and buildings.
Corridor Redecorations
The Library and Dining hall corridors were redecorated over the summer. The areas now look fantastic and the upgraded displays will be informative for the students.

Tags: 2017-18, Environment, Facilities, News