Welcome from the Co-Headteachers

The 2024-25 academic year begins
It has been an extremely busy first week in school with a key focus being on both inducting and welcoming students back into formal education. Particular cornerstone messages have been relayed through welcoming induction assemblies about our:
- GCSE and Key Stage 5 examination successes – we have celebrated an array of outstanding personal stories and highlighted a wide range of ambitious destinations: universities, apprenticeships, and workplaces.
- Wider school expectations – every student must aim to “buy in” to our extensive enrichment programme which aims to deepen and extend friendship networks as well as develop the wider skill-set of students.
- School code of conduct – we have reinforced basic behavioural expectations within school as well as across our local community.
You can read all the latest news below. Please do read the full newsletter which also contains information about our New To You scheme and a drive to ensure that students are safe when travelling to and from school.
Finally, we hope that you enjoy this weekly insight into the day-to-day life of Isleworth & Syon School. It will publish every Friday during term-time. We would love to hear your views about this piece of work – what do you enjoy? What sorts of content do you want to see more (or less) often? You can leave an anonymous comment at this link.
Ready for Learning

Making students responsible for their own learning
Like their teachers, parents/carers should aim to develop their son/ward’s levels of responsibility and accountability. Support them so that they are ready for learning, every day. This means checking that they have a suitably sized and well-organised school bag, plus all of their basic school equipment.
As a reminder, basic equipment means – pen, pencil, ruler, rubber and scientific calculator. All of these items can be purchased via the school shop on SCOPAY. Students are also expected to bring a water bottle and a reading book into school.
New To You
Our pre-used uniform scheme continues
As term begins, please know that we are conscious of the continued cost of living crisis, and the impact this is having on families. One way that we have adapted our provision is our ‘New To You’ scheme – our second-hand clothing service.

This allows families to purchase pre-used items of school uniform or sports kit that are in a reasonable condition. Orders can be made through the ‘New to You’ section on SCOPAY. Prices have been set much lower than usual uniform prices. If you require any further financial assistance, please contact the school.
Appearance Policy
Some tweaks to our standards this year
There have been some important changes to our school appearance policy for this academic year. The full policy can be viewed in our ‘Policies’ section.
Changes include:

If a student’s trousers are likely to slip downward and undergarments are visible, they must wear a plain, black belt with a plain buckle.

A plain black single hairband can be worn to keep hair out of the student’s face.

Mobile Phones
Mobile phones can no longer be stored in trouser pockets – instead, these must be secured within the inside blazer pocket or their school bag.
Icons by Icons8.com
Coming Up!
Key dates for the diary
- Tuesday 10 September – Photographs for Years 7, 9 and 12
- Wednesday 11 September – KS5-Ready Evening (Year 12)
- Wednesday 25 September – early finish
- Wednesday 25 September – Open Evening
- Thursday 26 September – late start
- Thursday 26 September – KS4-Ready Evening (Year 10)
- Thursday 3 October – KS3-Ready Evening (Year 7)
- Friday 18 October – Progress & Partnership Day
- Monday 28 October – Friday 1 November – Half-Term
You can download this Key Dates document for the entire year; note that dates are subject to change.

Bridgelink Community Day

Signposting a local community event
Tomorrow (Saturday 7 September), the Bridgelink Centre are hosting their annual community day. It is a free fun day with activities and services for all ages. You can meet other local residents and organisations, win prizes, and find out about the amazing work undertaken by the centre. For full details, check out this flyer.
Walking and Cycling Consultation
Give TfL your views on a proposed local project
Before the summer break, we wrote about a Transport for London consultation regarding proposals to make walking and cycling improvements between Brentford and Syon Park. These proposals affect the section of Brentford High Street and London Road from Alexandra Road to Beech Avenue. The principal changes they are proposing are:
- New protected cycle lanes in both directions along Brentford High Street between Alexandra Road and Beech Avenue.
- New and improved pedestrian crossings along the route, making it easier for people to cross the street.
- Changes to the layout of four bus stops.
- Changes to make the area feel more pleasant and help it adapt to climate change. They are working with the London Borough of Hounslow to identify potential space for trees, rain gardens, and sustainable drainage systems.
To find out about the proposals and have your say, visit this website. The closing date for the consultation is next Monday, 9 September 2024.
Personal Safety
Helping to keep students safe during their travel to and from school
At the start of the school year, we always highlight the importance of personal safety both to and from school. This includes:
- Cycling to school – use cycle lanes and always wear a cycle helmet. Bicycles can be stored securely in our cycle shed which is located adjacent to the school field. Do not use the Lime bicycles which are such a huge temptation as they are located near the Crown Court as well as Isleworth train station; these bicycles are for over-18s only.
- Walking to school – use well-established routes.
- Catching the bus to school – due to traffic congestion, allow enough time at the start of the day.
- Catching the train to school – British Transport Police regularly inform all local schools of issues related to platform safety (standing behind the yellow safety lines) as well as track trespassing and the danger at train crossings. Please watch this video and discuss these issues with your son/ward.
- Car drop-off – please do not park on the zig-zag yellow markings or the double-yellow lines opposite the school entry and exit gates, before and after school. Such behaviour really does endanger the personal safety of our students.
Community News

Reflecting on the school’s role within the community
We are, of course, wholly aware about the community tensions in the UK throughout August – including some local areas. Given this, it’s important that parent/carers gain a sense of how, as school leaders, we deal with such community friction. In an era when schools are all too often seen to be the solution for all of society’s problems, we can safely say that we already play a vital role.
First and most powerfully, parents/carers should feel wholly confident that our broad and balanced curriculum allows students to develop their critical thinking skills. For example, in English, student examine the narrator and the perspectives as well as the motives of different characters; in history, students interrogate sources; in mathematics, students are taught to think logically and procedurally; and in science, students test out hypotheses and lean on tangible evidence.
Second, our outstanding pastoral system drives important themes around diversity and inclusion through outstanding year group and House assemblies.
Third, our high-quality discussion-focused, daily Study Support sessions provide students with opportunities to have open and transparent dialogue with form tutors and their peers about current affairs. The architecture of critical thinking really is well-embedded across all of our academic subjects.
Photo by Dio Hasbi Saniskoro on Pexels.com
Music Instrument Lessons
Launching next week!
This year, we are looking forward to coordinating music instrument lessons in school through our partners at the Hounslow Music Service. The full letter will be sent to parents/carers early next week; the deadline to sign up is next Friday (13 September). Lessons will commence the week starting 16 September. Ensembles for singers and instrumentalists will start that week too. The final timetable will be shared on the Music Teams page soon.
Safeguarding and Personal Development

Highlighting the key value of ‘respectfulness’.
As we welcome our students back to school, we begin the school year with our carefully planned assembly programme. Assemblies play a crucial role in students’ personal development and the values based approach to education that is so important at I&S.
As well as celebrating the successes of our Year 13 leavers and re-emphasising the importance of high standards in all areas of school life, those leading assemblies at the start of term have highlighted the value of ‘Respectfulness’ as a key focus for the year.
Respectfulness was explained as a quality that recognises the inherent worth in ourselves, others and our environment. Respectful behaviour in our words and actions was outlined as that which demonstrates kindness and consideration. But why be Respectful? The benefits of behaving with respectfulness were highlighted as building positive relationships and aiding collaboration and effective communication. In our diverse society, with divisions appearing in the news over the summer, the importance of respect was highlighted in creating a harmonious and inclusive environment. Lastly, Respectfulness was explained as a powerful ‘soft skill’, that leads to success.
Please talk to your child about their welcome back assemblies and encourage them to remember the key messages that will ensure a successful year.
If you have a concern about the safety or welfare of your child, please email the safeguarding team at safeguarding@isleworthsyon.org. A member of staff will be monitoring the account. If there is an emergency call 999 or, for non-urgent matters that require police attention, call 101.
Photo by Cytonn Photography on Pexels.com
Outstanding exam results; international academic participation; and another student begins a career in the performing arts!

Start of Term
Wednesday saw the official start of term as the Co-Headteachers welcomed our new Year 7 cohort into school with a handshake. Staff introduced these new Isleworthians to the key ethos that will follow them through their I&S journey – exceptional education, outstanding opportunities and traditional values. All other year groups had induction assemblies before the start of full lessons earlier today. Students have made a fantastic start – well done everyone!
Examination Results – “Proud”
We were very proud of our Year 13 cohort as they collected their results (pictured first above). These top grades serve as a stepping stone towards their dream next steps as they complete their journey with the school. Supported by specialist staff and a Sixth Form staff team devoted to encouraging aspiration, these well-rounded young people have continued the school’s strong tradition of outstanding achievement, which you can read about in our summary.
Year 11 were also celebrating as they picked up their results at the end of August (pictured second above). This group underwent unprecedented difficulty with the pandemic-induced lockdown in the Spring Term of their Year 7, just shortly after their induction into the Isleworth & Syon Way. However, the school has worked unbelievably hard to help their learning recovery, and the students themselves have committed to maximising their potential and being the best that they can be. Please join us in celebrating some successes in this article.

Mikaeel Shah – Representing UK in Maths
Before the summer break, we wrote about Mikaeel Shah, then Year 13, and how he had qualified to represent the UK at the International Mathematical Olympiad (IMO) in July!
112 countries took part, with the team finishing sixth overall—the country’s highest since 1996. Mikaeel himself achieved an individual bronze medal! Congratulations to Mikaeel for this huge international achievement – it is really no surprise that he earned a place at Trinity College Cambridge after outstanding A level results. We wish him all the best for the future.

Arthur Moore – LAMDA
And finally for today – as mentioned above, Results Day was full of fantastic stories of students gaining places on fantastic pathways. We wanted to give a special mention to one of our leavers, Arthur Moore – pictured in last year’s senior school production. After achieving superb results, Arthur enrolled at the London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts (LAMDA), one of the most prestigious drama institutions in the world. He will be pursuing a long-running passion – stage management.
Indeed, Arthur has been the school’s stage manager since Year 8, as well as taking an active part in our performing arts tech crew – an after-school club which teaches students about working backstage. We are delighted that Arthur is pursuing these talents professionally, and we wish him well. He follows in the footsteps of alumni like Raymond Anum, Ellis Bloom, Taheen Modak and Sophie Muringu in exploring opportunities within the performing arts.